Aruba part 1

Today there's a story ( well, part 1 ) about my internship in Aruba last year, where I had the best time of my life so far.

Let's start at the very beginning, I've always wanted to go abroad and see more of the world and when I heard that you could do your internship abroad I carefully started looking for some options until I stumbled upon a company named Wings Global Media. There was no need to think twice and I e-mailed them that I was interested in a position at their company, after some e-mails back and forth they invited me for a skype interview and from that moment everything was getting really serious but it felt amazing.
Two skype interviews later I was hired! It took a little while for me to realise what actually happened because at first I couldn't even believe it and then it hit me and I was thrilled to do this!
The next step was to arrange everything, which needed quite some effort to do.
I'm not going to tell all those boring details so I'm going to skip to a few days before my departure.

A week before my departure I spent some time with my family as I wouldn't be able to see them for the next 6 months and at the same time I was counting down the days. At this point I also started to feel nervous, as for me going away to a small island 8000 km across a huge ocean for half a year wasn't easy but I was determined to do this and seen from my perspective now, it was the best decision I've ever made.

My alarm woke me up at 7 AM on the 27th of August and with everything packed and loaded in the car I headed towards the airport where my friends and family were waiting and I've never felt so nervous before, we all had something to drink together and then I said goodbye to everyone and made my way towards the gate, still as nervous as a person can be only for it to disappear a little while later. I can remember the exact moment that all my nerves completely disappeared and were replaced by absolute joy and this enormous smile from ear to ear as the plane took off, a moment of pure fucking happiness.


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