Happy holidays!

First of all I want to wish you a merry christmas and a happy new year, a time for people to enjoy a wonderful time together with their loved ones and the beginning of a new year, a year that I've got big plans for!

I've still got plenty of time before I leave but I've started some preparations already, this week I applied for a Holiday working Visa and an international driving license, not the most exciting stuff but crucial to get into New-Zealand.
The thing I'm looking forward to the most is planning the route I am going to take, but I will come back to that later on. First I need to figure out is if I'm going to work first or start traveling right away, the benefit of working is that I can settle a bit first and and get used to the culture and the people, which isn't a bad idea at all and this way I can fund my trip for later on and get to know some people. For now I hope my application for a Visa will go through but it shouldn't be much of a problem.

My next story is going to be a bit longer as i will tell you all about my experiences on Aruba, and there were a lot!


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